Welcome to Pacific Booker Minerals
The Company
Pacific Booker Minerals Inc. (PBM) owns the Morrison property located in
Central British Columbia, 35 km north of the Village of Granisle.
PBM is in the advanced stage of development of the Morrison porphyry
copper/gold/molybdenum deposit. PBM has completed a Feasibility Study and 43-101
compliant Technical Report and is proposing an open-pit mining and milling
operation for the production of copper/gold/molybdenum concentrate from the
Morrison deposit. It is located within 29 km of two former producing copper
mines, Bell and Granisle.
The Feasibility Study was completed by Wardrop Engineering Ltd., a Tetra Tech
Company, with technical support of a team of other consultants. The study
describes the scope, design features and financial viability of a conventional
open pit mine with a 30,000 tonnes per day mill.
The highlights of the Feasibility Study are:
The total mineable reserve, classified as proven and probable,
at Net Smelter Return (NSR) cut-off-value of $CDN5.60/t, is 224.25Mt with an
average grade of 0.330% Copper, 0.163g/t Gold and 0.004% Molybdenum;
The overburden and waste total is 184.12 Mt for a strip ratio
of 0.82:1;
Recovered metal is 1.37 billion lbs Copper, 658,090 oz Gold
and 10.047 million lbs Molybdenum;
Mine life of 21 years;
Capital cost is estimated at CDN$516.68 million (including a
CDN$59.92 million contingency allocation);
A projected exchange rate of C$1.00/ US$0.87;
Operating cost of CDN$8.15 per tonne milled over the life of
the mine;
Pre-Income Tax Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 20.05%, based
on metal prices of (four year trailing average as of January 12, 2009) Copper
$2.75, Gold $658.32 and Molybdenum $29.23;
Net Present Value (NPV) at 8.0% discount rate is CDN$495.9M;
Payback period on capital is 4.2 years.
Note: Silver was not included in the financial analysis; however, there is an
opportunity for improved economic performance if silver credits are received
from the treatment and refining of the copper concentrate. Metallurgical
test-work to date has reported silver present in the concentrate.
The Morrison deposit has the advantage of existing regional infrastructure to
service the region, including a deep-sea shipping terminal at the port of
Stewart, B.C., a road network, nearby hydro-electric power (20 km from the
project site), two existing nearby forestry camps for preproduction use, and a
full service town (the Village of Granisle) within daily commuting distance from
the project site.
Latest News Releases
May 13, 2024:
Pacific Booker Minerals Inc. Will Seek Legal Recourse
See The Complete Pacific Booker Story
Location Map
General Site Arrangement Map

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